
  • Devlog 2 - Indoor / outdoor living

    Buildings, Terrain and Navigation - Hello everyone! Today I wanted to write a bit about my proof of concept for open world navigation using Godot 4. Navigation is one of the most complex systems in any open world game, and my decision to include buildings in the open world did...

  • Devlog 1 - How Summoning does Armor Equipping

    Armor Equpping in 3D - I’d like to share the techniques and strategies for how Summoning implemented armor equipping on our 3D characters. I thought this would be an interesting topic because it is so central to the idea of RPGs, and also there is not a lot of good...

  • About Summoning

    What is Summoning? Summoning is an open world fantasy action RPG created with the Godot game engine, blender and other open source tools. It comes with a 2002 graphical art style and a handcrafted world. Inspired by oldschool computer RPGs with some fresh ideas on combat and storytelling that I...